Custom Tank Tops
motorcycle t-shirts


There is a growing trend these days. Motorcycle popularity has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years. There are so many choices; bigger and better choices than ever before. In addition, women are breaking in to this so-called man’s world in ever growing numbers.

How I feel when I ride cannot be expressed in a few words. It is a combination of the freedom I feel, being out in the elements with the sounds and the smells, as well as the changes in temperature. Every ride becomes of ribbon of sights, impressions, and new experiences. You see and remember the various sights as you begin your day’s journey. Upon seeing the same sights on the way home, whether it be signs or scenery or locations, a realization manifests itself. All at once, it seems like you just saw those things. At the same time, you realize just how much has happened since the beginning of the ride. Every ride is an experience AWAY from everything else in your life— work, problems, stress, petty people and situations that drain the life out of you, you name it.

There is also a certain pride attached to riding my own ride as well as an inexplicable joy that is felt. I write everything down because when I get home, somehow I just can’t let go of it. It ocurred to me that I can’t be the only one who feels this way.


The reason for the site is to help those who want to get into this sport and don’t really know where to start. There will be links for gear, articles on how to prepare, links to helpful sites, where to find classes, etc., etc. More on that below.

CruiserTales is based in Northeast Ohio. To say we have some erratic weather here is like saying the sun is warm. Last year had a high of 70 degrees one day in January. No, that’s not normal. In ten minutes time, it dropped to the lower 50s. Within 30 minutes the temperature plunged to the lower forties. By 10pm there was a wet snow sticking to the ground. Yes, this is normal. They say, "If you don’t like the weather in Cleveland, wait ten minutes. It’ll change." And so it does, but that expression is pretty tired already. Often, we have different weather on one side of town than the other. I think the saying should be "If you don’t like the weather in Cleveland, drive five miles, it’ll change." Part of all this is due to that overgrown puddle to the north, also known as Lake Erie. It makes for some challenging ride planning, that’s for sure. Sometimes it takes longer to figure our what gear is needed for an all day ride than it does to put the stuff on, and it all depends on which direction you’re headed. That’s no joke.

Ohio is the third largest state in motorcycle registrations, behind California and Florida. Our helmet law was repealed back in the seventies, which was accomplished by a huge lobby in this state. We’re a tough bunch that eats challenges for breakfast, no matter what the rest of the country says about us. When the temperatures get up into the forties, bikes are out. We usually wait until upper forties, and even then only under certain conditions, such as no salt on the roads, no high winds, etc. Overcoming challenges is part of riding. Please see the Cool Links page for helpful sites we’ve found.

The links will always grow. There are links to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, links to find classes, written instruction and tutorials, manufacturer’s sites, leather gear, boots, parts, tattoo designs, cool t-shirts and the list goes on.

Our Favorites list stretches down into the basement; the motorcycle links are organized there.

Articles and news will round out the site, but will not necessarily become the main focus.

Please check back often as this site will be growing and changing and evolving.



Custom Tank Tops