Wait For Me
This is a Bob Seger music video for Wait for Me. It has some nice riding footage that I’m sure we call all relate to. For the riding, if that was not clear. Although, I would like to have seen Bob Seger riding. Wouldn’t you? Roll me away, old friend, roll me away. This one […]
Vinnie Barbarino Wore A Helmet
Good things happen on a Honda, and Vinnie Barbarino wore a helmet! This video features a very young John Travolta riding a Honda as a mail courier. I’d be willing to guess this was pre-Sweathog. Weren’t the old Honda commercials just too cute? Hey, I’m pulling you over to give your kid his teddy bear […]
Japanese Motorcycle Cop
Here is a Japanese motor officer negotiating a course at a competition. I would have said the film was sped up, but you can see people walking and shifting from one leg to another in real time. Check out his bike. It’s like a beefed up sport bike bagger. Very intriguing, with an aggressive riding […]
Slow Ride
This a motor officer performing the “slow race” on steroids. The race, I mean. Got to keep those RPMs up and use the back brake. The back brake makes your bike want to stand up. Just watch. Police Motorcycle Competition: Slow Ride
Partner Run
Two motor officers negotiate a course side by side in tight formation. And I mean TIGHT formation. This is referred to as a “Partner Run”. Amazing skills. Police Motorcycle Competition: Partner Run
Amazing Solo Ride
A motor officer executes an amazing solo ride through a sea of orange cones. And he really rips it! The maneuvers were amazing enough, but the speed at which he gets through it is absolutely mind-boggling. He never touches one cone. Scrapes a peg, but never touches a cone. Cool. Police Motorcycle Competition: Amazing […]
Carrying A Passenger
This video points out a very interesting concept regarding pillion riders (passengers). The speaker is advocating that passengers take the MSF’s Basic Rider Course so that they learn how to control a motorcycle. What if the rider has a heart attack or stroke while riding? Are both rider and passenger doomed? Maybe not. The speaker […]
The Day You Went to Work
This one is another British public service video reminding riders not to be too complacent about familiar every day places, such as where you live and your ride to work. Most accidents happen within three miles of home. Warning: this is a very graphic reminder indeed. TFL Motorcycle Safety: The Day You Went To […]
Holy British invasion! I’m talking about the music (in this video) of course. This video is a string of British public service videos, shared for educational purposes. The first one is mostly a voice-over that punctuates the concept that people on motorcycles are like everyone else; they have family and friends who care about them. […]
Motorcycle Safety
This video was for members of the military who are learning to ride, as well as for practicing skills. Even if you’re not in the military, there are some good tips here. Motorcycle Safety Event