Motorcycle Racers Are Athletes?
Of course they are. This subject came up as a result of a Bike Bandit article that asks the question Are Motorcycle Racers Really Professional Athletes? It points out that the stick-and-ball athletes don’t think so, but do they really understand what all is involved with going out week after week and getting beat up […]
Motorman’s Training Tip on Intersections
Excellent video explaining Motorman’s (Jerry Palladino) intersection exercise. He details distances for the cones, as well as technique, following up with a video demonstration. This is not intuitive ability, nor is it likely to be something you learn from a riding buddy. Sorry, but it’s true. It takes practice, too. Honestly, every time I make […]
Think About It. Why Do You Ride?
This is a great article from It not only reminds us of why we ride, but it really puts things in perspective while comparing riding a motorcycle to riding in a car. Sure, it’s stuff we all know, but how often do we really think about it. I think sometimes we forget why we […]
Daytona Bike Week 2014
Daytona Bike week is coming up. If you haven’t booked your stay or planned your trip by now, you’d better get on that. The official site has a calendar of events, information on accommodations, restaurants, vendors and the like. And, you can enter to win the “Official” Bike Week 2014 Motorcycle. What are you waiting […]
Progressive International Motorcycle Shows
It’s that time again. The Progressive International Motorcycle Show season is in full swing. Here in Cleveland, this is one of many shows coming to the IX Center during the winter, keeping us occupied and spending, as if there isn’t enough to do here. For us, this is the highpoint of the winter. The holidays […]
6 Things To Do After a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents are often some of the deadliest accidents that occur. Motorcycles offer little protection to riders in the event of an accident and the resulting injuries are often severe, requiring long recovery periods. If the rider is not wearing a helmet, injuries can include massive head injuries and even brain death. Often, motorcycle accidents […]
It’s Almost Time to Winterize Your Bike
Yes, it’s that time again. Time to get ready to winterize your bike. We ride as long as we can into the late fall, as weather permits of course. But eventually it has to be done. Here in Northeast Ohio, we add stabilizer to the tanks, put the bikes on a trickle chargermake sure they’re […]
Tsunami Sends Harley Across the Sea
Everyone remembers the tsunami that washed over Japan back in March of 2011. But now much of what it washed away is turning up on shores across the Pacific, nearly 18 million tons of it. One Canadian island beach was the recipient of a container housing a Harley-Davidson motorcycle belonging to a man in Yokoyama. […]
Look Ma, No Hands
A man from Adrian, Michigan has trained himself to ride without using his hands. Yes, you read that right. He boasts a world record for no-hands riding and will attempt to beat it for charity, specifically the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Phil Comar, the No Hand Man, steers with his body, and […]
Law Tigers Mobile App for Motorcyclists
We all enjoy our bikes and riding, and although we don’t like to think about it, accidents do happen. It’s a good idea to have a cell phone with you to call for help in the event of an accident or even if you break down. Riding a motorcycle presents a unique set of problems […]